Antioch Church

5030 Willard Rd | Willard, NC 28478 | 910.285.3802

What We Believe

Antioch Church Statement of Faith
The following is a brief statement of faith for Antioch church, Willard, N.C. This is only a summary of basic articles of biblical truth. We defer to the bible as the only authority on all matters of Christian faith.

  1. The Bible is the inerrant word of God and the only rule of Christian faith.
  2. That God created the universe, along with mankind and all things therein.
  3. That man was given complete freedom of choice about life by the creation of God.
  4. Through the sinful act of Adam, sin and the judgment of death is inherited by all mankind.
  5. That Jesus Christ came into the world to sacrifice his life to redeem man from sin and death.
  6. That faith in the atoning death of Christ is the only medium by which the saving grace of God can become effective in any life.
  7. That Jesus was God in human form; fully God and fully man in all human and divine attributes.
  8. That God is numerically one and has manifested himself in the acts of creation, in the sacrifice of calvary and the indwelling of his Holy Spirit.  The name of “Jehovah” of the Old Testament is the same one as “Jesus” of the New Testament.
  9. That the plan of salvation is by the process of regeneration from our sinful nature to become a new creation in Jesus Christ by the grace of God.
  10. That we must be convicted of our sins and repent and turn from them unto Christ to be saved.
  11. That water baptism, by immersion, is essential and must be administered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.
  12. That the baptism of the Holy Ghost as experienced in Acts 2, 10, and 19 etc. and as promised by Christ in all 4 gospels, for everyone who comes to Christ for salvation.
  13. That we should live a Christian life that reflects the life of Christ in our character, conduct, practice, attitude and personal morals and holiness before God and the world.
  14. That we should be good stewards over all God has entrusted unto us including church attendance, prayer, Bible study, serving, tithes, witnessing, fellowship etc.
  15. That we should observe holy communion as a memorial to Jesus Christ and his sacrifice.
  16. That Jesus was bodily resurrected from the grave and this was witnessed by numerous witnesses.
  17. That it is through the resurrection of Christ, that those who belong to Christ, will also be resurrected from death as he was at the time of his second return.
  18. That Christ will visibly return the second time to the earth and will at that time usher in immortality, eternal life to all of God’s children.
  19. That at the time of the second return of Christ the earth will be purged of all evil by fire, following which a new heaven and new earth will be made wherein the righteous will dwell.
  20. That the prophecies of Daniel and The Revelation are as a map of the path the church has followed during her history and upon the return of Christ all prophecy will have been fulfilled.

We commend these articles of faith to your prayerful study and consideration. We encourage your inquiry concerning any of them. May God bless the message of his word to our hearts.